Monster who wonders where their favourite book of yours went. What do you mean it's a "die-a-rear" and they weren't supposed to read it?
Monster who wonders where their favourite book of yours went. What do you mean it's a "die-a-rear" and they weren't supposed to read it?
Monster who did some spring cleaning. Look, isn't the place nicely clean and empty now?
Monster who is quite sure that wasn't there before they sat down. Anyway, sorry. Was it valuable?
Monster who doesn't know if they can fly or not, but who's very excited to find out
Monster who's going to explain all the mistakes you made in trying to trap it, in great detail
Monster who has received explicit instructions to NOT hurt THAT one during a fight, because he's almost like mistress' girlfriend's brother
Monster who's gonna fight it. It doesn't matter that it's so much bigger. Gonna fight it. Hm, maybe not. Who said anything about fighting?
Monster who's supposed to be somewhere else right now, but it's fine! It's all fine. Probably. Hopefully.