Monster who fancies themself a bit of a writer
Monster who should have epics written about them. Well? What are you waiting for?
Monster who was here long before you, and thinks you're the one that should leave
Monster who just heard one of them utter the word "sleepover". Fly, all is lost!
Monster who, decades ago, was forcefully adopted by a little immigrant girl who thought they were just a weird and really fucked up local kind of cat — which made them irresistible. They still miss her, sometimes.
Monster who wouldn't be caught dead in a seaside town. Which is what happens to people in seaside towns. Fog that eats people! Waves that eat people! Okay, yes, they're technically not one of those people, but they're not taking any chances!
Monster who was almost caught by a bunch of undergraduates doing... whatever it is that undergraduates do