Making Up Adventurers

This adventurer has been lost before, but never like this!

Eternal Sapphtember

Girls who are in tents

Making Up Monsters

Monster who doesn't like to be touched

Traveller's Guide to the Known Continent

The Morlock city of Castro Magna lies within the realm claimed, in the Age of Mages, by the Aurichalcum Titan, an artificer-wizard who encased himself in dread machineries of war. Archaeology (or looting) of his lost workshops and armouries is a major local endeavour.

Eternal Sapphtember

Girls who are intense

Making Up Monsters

Monster who thinks oaths are often more, like, suggestions. What did that Hypocrite guy know anyway?

Traveller's Guide to the Known Continent

The Night Country is the nascent surface empire of the Morlocks displaced from Subcthonia by the aggression of the creeping, giggling Uncanny Men.

Traveller's Guide to the Known Continent

Beneath the deserts of the south lie a million creeping, winding tunnels of a harsher, bleaker desert: the hostile, ever-dark, thirst-dry, gnawingly foodless expanse of Subcthonia.

Traveller's Guide to the Known Continent

The southernmost reach of the Known Continent is made up of dusty red desert, home of the Alchemical Templars, the sand-preserved remnants of a thousand petty fiefdoms from the Age of Mages, and the Morlocks' Night Country.

Eternal Sapphtember

Girls who are cheap
